A Nine year-old girl named M. Lavinashree from Tamilnadu district has passed the Microsoft Certified Professional exam, becoming the youngest person to break the record previously held by a 10 year-old Pakistani girl. This young girl has a long history of making records at this small age which include that she can narrate 1300 couplets of Thirukural written by Thiruvalluvar at the age of three. This MCP Exam is the biggest accomplishment at the age of nine. M. Lavinashree father said "I am very proud of her".
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yamaha R15 Mods!!!
Hello J, we are been hearing from dozens of people who wanted to Mod their YZF R15 to increase the power on the powerful bike itself. We are hearing from the locals that aftermarket Chips being available in Indonesia, But seems in India, Yamaha does not do any modifications to its R15 on replacing chips or whatsoever. If you tend to do it then you are going to loose warranty and it will surely cause you to tamper the bikes ECU section. So be very careful you young fellas give extra care to your Bike.
2009 Bajaj Pulsar's Upgrades
Bajaj is coming up with its new upgrades on their existing bikes i.e., only on P220 & P200 bikes to give itself with a power package to its well wishers. We already know that Bajaj has shown its carbon fibre exhaust in Auto Expo 2006.
The P200 which runs in carburetor may come up with fuel injection system which is currently used in P220 Fi system which surely give us with a great performance and fuel economy which will mark an importance to the India biking industry.
In meantime, P220 is well expected to come out with its sporty black across its body to give a great pleasure to the owners. It may come with engines, alloys with a well treated sporty black; will it make the competitors come-out with something better than this ?????